April 28, 2010

Athen is finally here!!!

Ok. After getting sent home on Saturday, Tawni was finally far enough along and in enough pain that they decided Athen was finally coming. She threatened that if they weren't going to let her stay this time that she was going to go home and have the baby there. Tawni was dialated to between a 4 and 5 and in a lot of pain. After 2 days of contractions 3-4 minutes apart she didn't even hesitate when they asked her if she wanted an epidural. Thank goodness for Epidurals! This picture was taken after they already had her all hooked up so she was feeling much better! She looks beautiful and Ryan looks terrified! This is what we told the men to do. They were very obedient. Alan and Russ were so relaxed right here that they even took their sandals off until the nurse scared them half to death by telling them that the floor was covered in all kinds of icky germs!

Here he is!!!! All covered in eye goop and not happy to be in the light. The little guy had a tough time getting out. He was posterier (face up) and Tawni had a hard time pushing him out. His heart rate kept dropping every time she pushed so the Dr. had to try and turn him so he was face down. Only made it half way and then had to put a vacuum device on his poor little head and pull him out while Tawni pushed, but he came out very quickly that way and they were able to avoid a C-section. Good job Tawni. Tawni was admitted to the hospital at 4:30 and Athen was born at 10:35 PM weighing 6 lbs. 7 oz. and measuring 19 inches long. He had gone potty in the womb so they had to suck his tummy out and make sure they got it out of him, so he wasn't very happy at first, but he calmed down quickly.

I kow this is a dark picture but I thought it was very sweet........the first chance Tawni had to hold him.