Alan, Tawni and I just went into this race wanting to finish and have fun. It was our first marathon so we took our time. Ryan could have probably finished the race at least 45 minutes faster, but he was kind and stayed with us. Alan and I wanted to finish under 2 1/2 hours. We finished in 2:29:50. How's that for just the nick of time? If it weren't for the fact that I had to stop for nature breaks 3 times we could have finished 10 minutes faster. They had 1 or 2 porta potty's at each aid station and the lines were terrible. That is not enough porta potty's for 2300 people!!!!!
Tawni and Ryan finished in 2:24:42. Randy is an Ironman and finished in 1:50. Wendy is the wife of an Ironman and finished in 2:01 and Kristi is the daughter of an Ironman and finished in 2:16. Randy, Wendy and Kristi have all done full marathon's so they were looking to improve on their times. We are just thankful for the ability to run. Last Christmas Alan couldn't even run across the room. Tawni just had a baby 4 months ago. We are so proud of you guys! What an accomplishment.
Alan and Ryan taking a break after the race.
Runners! Randy, Wendy, Kristi, Alan, Me, Tawni and Ryan
After we had all showered after the race we went to Bear Lake. The Piggott's were so generous to let us all stay at their cabin. First we went and ate at an awesome Mexican Food place in town. We were quite the sight in our matching green shirts. We paid a lot of money to wear these shirts!!
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