Once again, I have forgotten to turn the picture before I download. Anyway, Tyler had his Jr. Prom on Saturday night. He looked so good. Hard to believe that he is old enough, but he is and he looked so handsome. He and two other couples came to our house for dinner. Alan and I played cooks, host and hostess, waiter and waitress and dishwashers. The kids seemed to enjoy themselves as there was a lot of laughing and talking at the table. After dinner they had some time to spare so they played Disney's Scene It. Of course the girls won because girls always know the Disney movies better than boys!
Tyler's date was this adorable girl that he met while they were in the play, "High School Musical" at CHS. She is very outgoing and loves to dance, as does Tyler...(go figure...he gets his dancing skills from me and Meagan....not Alan). He said they danced all night with there group of friends and had a blast!
I know Alan and I are waaaaaay under dressed, but it is always a tradition to take a pic with the prom attendee. After the dance they went up to our friends the Leonard's and Denise made all the kids breakfast. We were happy that Tyler had a fun night.
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5 years ago